So I think I'm onto something (or just on something) ... the 1980s will provide me a rich series of posts for my blog and I feel it is imperative I steer us in that direction. Exhibit #2 of absolutely absurd 80s metal has to be the rise of Japanese heavy metal bands. My personal favorite was a band called Loudness, which I recently found is still touring on occasion.
Loudness follows the non-Western metal band formula: gravel voice (ala Brian Johnson of AC/DC) combined with somewhat average/below average guitar playing. The key, it seemed, was to mimic American metal no matter how incredibly bad the actual music was. In addition, the lyrics are so basic because the singers decided to sing in English (which, as you see, poses a few problems with dynamics and poetry).
Loudness were little Japanese guys with huge hair and a ton of distortion on their guitars. I owned two of their CDs (I know, I know). I'll never forget my friend Ray laughing during the song "Like Hell" (from the CD Thunder in the East) in which lead screecher Minoru Niihara's accent fell short so it was: "Rike Helr". As with the other foreign metal bands, these guys took all the campiness of 80s metal a little too seriously ... honestly, watch Spinal Tap and you'll never stop laughing at these. [Note: The guitar player is better than the German bands previously featured here on the Metal Shop].
Nothing like a chorus of "Hey!" (I think that's whay they're saying).
Remember: "Rock N' roll crazy nights. You are the heros tonight."
Here's another one ... what the heck. It's "Like Hell":
You're welcome.
I believe I am enjoying this line of posting. We NEED to have a Spinal Tap viewing session sometime...I have a feeling that I will greatly enjoy watching that movie with you, Jim. And I don't believe that Rachel has seen it in its entirety. (I hadn't seen it until this past January). This should happen.
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look at at this crazy emo video clip:
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