Being a product of the hot rockin' 1980s I think it's OK to call myself an effecianato of that era's Heavy Metal explosion. To give your palate a taste: my favorites were (and in some cases, still are) bands like Van Halen, Ratt, Dokken, Metallica, Def Leppard, Cinderella, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses, Queensryche, Twisted Sister, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest. Basically, every band Spinal Tap parodies are the bands I truly enjoyed.
Sometimes for the absurdity of it all.
For absurdity sake, my lasting favorites are German metal bands. I saw The Scorpions in concert twice and they always thrilled with the campiest, most terrible "choreography" of guitar playing and fancy stage primping in front of crowds. It was as if the foreign metal bands didn't understand what was too corny and what was just plain cool (cool was Cinderella slinging their guitars over the backs in unison; uncool was a "rock pyramid" created by the two guitarists, a singer and the bass player).
Here is exhibit A of funny 80s metal. Exhibit A-1 is a band called Accept, one of numerous gravel-throated bands that tried to capitalize on the AC/DC sound. Accept is soooooo German metal ... complete with a short little lead singer who looks like a cross between a crazy Nazi and Patton Oswalt of King of Queens/Ratatoulle fame):
And here are the kings of them all -- Scorpions:
Are the Scorpions best known for their hit ballad (I don't know if it's really a ballad, but close enough) "Wind of Change"? That's a good song. And Queensryche's "Silent Lucidity" is on my top 10. It reminds me a bit of Pink Floyd, especially in the middle.
How can those people have filmed those videos and maintained any dignity or self-respect? I mean, come on, that IS Spinal Tap.
Which rocker most resembles you from the pictures posted?
Love, Drunk
I mean, since I met you in the late '80's, which rocker resembled you before we met? I can use my imagination, but what fun would that be?
Jim -
The wound heals, but that scar, that scar...will remain. That's how the song goes, but a new rose is blossoming...without thorns.
Hang in there! (My response to your comment on my blog)
Being sober again,
Julie ;)
You write very well.
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