Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bob Dylan parody

Mick sent me this a long time ago and I finally decided to post it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Boss is as good as ever

Sunday night's Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band concert at the Xcel was, as usual for Bruce, fantastic. Max Weinberg, Lil' Steven Van Zant, Clarence Clemons and the rest of the guys sure can rock for 50-60-somethings. There aren't many concerts I'll pay to see anymore, but you can always chalk up Springsteen, U2 and the Rolling Stones in my book. They are always worth the money, even when it's over $100 for upper deck.

Here are the two reviews: Minneapolis Star-Tribune and St. Paul Pioneer Press. The set list can be found on this fan website with another review.

The show finished with this great folk tune (video from a different venue, but you get the idea):

Here are some bootleg videos from the November show.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't we all miss Slave Raider?

I was thinking about how much fun it used to be to run out to The Press or a local ballroom and see Slave Raider and all the hubub that went along with them. The band was best with Leticia Ray on bass and, frankly, their Led Zepplin, Rush and Queen covers were the best parts of the show. Chainsaw Caine invented the chainsaw solo -- only to have the idea stolen by Jackyl.

Remember when that chick climbed on the stage in 1986 at the New Munich Ballroom (RIP) and took off her shirt? It was the same night Mick was nailed in the head by a thrown bottle... good times, good times. Whadda ya say? ...